Hui, i dresprés del "paró" per Magdalena he tingut ganes d'escriue alguna coseta, encara que només sique una introducció a un parell de videos un tant hooliganeros..., i sí, a mi m'agraden molt!
El primer és d'un grup italià anomenat Los Fastidios, amb la cançó Antifa Hooligans:
El primer és d'un grup italià anomenat Los Fastidios, amb la cançó Antifa Hooligans:
C'mon C'mon
C'mon C'mon
C'mon C'mon antifa hooligans
In the streets, on the terraces
We are singing and we scream
All our hate for the nazi scum
C'mon C'mon
C'mon C'mon antifa hooligans
In the streets, on the terraces
We are singing and we scream
All our hate for the nazi scum
We are comming: stop to run!
Listen my brother and understand
Don't play like a donkey if you're really a man
You don't fool a soul when you wear sharp studs
Your mouth is dirty and you cuss a bad word
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Hooligans, hooligans this is the time
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Woooaa, mother been weeping, woooaa
We were no more strangers [yes I pray]
We were more than friends [battles came down]
Yet the battles were splintered all over the place
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Hooligans, hooligans this is the time
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Woooaa, woooaa
Always come up and always rude
Smashing things and breaking rules
Man what do you think you are
A little beast for sure
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Hooligans, hooligans this is the time
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Can't a woman's tender care [return you now]
Change from all the child she beared
We were no more strangers [yes I pray]
We were more than friends [battles came down]
Yet the battles were splintered all over the place
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Hooligans, hooligans this is the time
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Woooaa, woooaa
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Hooligans, hooligans this is the time
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Woooaa, woooaa
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Hooligans, hooligans this is the time
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Woooaa, woooaa
Don't play like a donkey if you're really a man
You don't fool a soul when you wear sharp studs
Your mouth is dirty and you cuss a bad word
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Hooligans, hooligans this is the time
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Woooaa, mother been weeping, woooaa
We were no more strangers [yes I pray]
We were more than friends [battles came down]
Yet the battles were splintered all over the place
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Hooligans, hooligans this is the time
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Woooaa, woooaa
Always come up and always rude
Smashing things and breaking rules
Man what do you think you are
A little beast for sure
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Hooligans, hooligans this is the time
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Can't a woman's tender care [return you now]
Change from all the child she beared
We were no more strangers [yes I pray]
We were more than friends [battles came down]
Yet the battles were splintered all over the place
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Hooligans, hooligans this is the time
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Woooaa, woooaa
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Hooligans, hooligans this is the time
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Woooaa, woooaa
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Hooligans, hooligans this is the time
Hooligans, hooligans make up your mind
Woooaa, woooaa
Dedique els videos al MiniSkins, que estan prop de mi al Castalia i em fan molta gràcia, jaja, i molen.
Com a últim apartat nomenar els actes brutals que els Mossos d'Esquadra van realitzar contra els estudiants de la ciutat Comptal en una manifestació contra el procés de Bolonya, com també ha nombrat el meu company de militància i amic Enric al seu bloc: La Primera Revolució.
Salut i Comunisme!!
4 comentaris:
Me senc important!! He sortit al teu bloc!! xD
Baixa't la cançó de Hooligans, però de Hepcat. Ja voràs com t'agrada més.
Come on Come oooon!!
He llegado a tu blog por otro contacto, hace tiempo vivi una temporada en los Paisos Catalans por lo cual entiendo bastante bien catalan aunque siento no escribirlo.
Buenos gustos musicales.
Independencia e socialismo
unha aperta
Lo de C'Mon és una versió sobre la cançó "C'Moon" de "Wings"?
No escric perquè no tinc temps i no tinc ordinador! :S
unbeset Pere! ;)
Si no anem nosaltres, qui anirà? xD
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